google plus oauth

Every request that your application sends to the Google+ API needs to identify your application to Google. You can use an API key, or you can use an OAuth 2.0 client ID. You should use a client ID when you are making calls on behalf of a given user.

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了解更多 »

  • Every request that your application sends to the Google+ API needs to identify your applic...
    Authorizing API requests | Google+ Platform for Web | Google ...
  • Google APIs use the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. Google suppor...
    Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs | Google Identity Plat ...
  • 接著要透過OAuth認證來登入Google(Google Using OAuth 2.0 for Login) 首先測試Client ID是否能操作API 對https://acc...
    [Oauth]使用 OAuth 2.0 存取 Google APIs(for Login) – 佛祖球球 ...
  • Few days back Google Plus has released OAuth application programming interface, right now ...
    Login with Google Plus OAuth. - 9lessons Programming Blog, ...
  • Google Plus has released OAuth application programming interface, right now they providing...
    Login with Google Plus OAuth - OnlineWebApplication • Tech ...
  • Google Cloud Platform lets you build, deploy, and scale applications, websites, and servic...
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  • Can someone teach me please how to begin with authenticating user in Google Plus with OATH...
    oauth - Google Plus Authentication - Stack Overflow ...
  • 當Oauth2返回tokens物件後,一般我們可以透過Google Plus API來取回user所公開的資訊,做為系統認證的依據,然後就可以依照我們寫Web服務的習慣,設定使用者...
    【JSDC客座文章】第一次接觸Google API就上手 | iThome
  • Login with Google Plus OAuth in CakePHP, CakePHP OAuth with Google, Login with Google Plus...
    Login with Google Plus OAuth in CakePHP - SmartTutorial - ...